Friends of Chidamoyo Projects

Friends of Chidamoyo has completed various projects at the hospital over the last decade. Read about past projects below and get the latest updates from the hospital by visting our Hospital Updates page.

Installation of Solar System

Electricity in Zimbabwe is spotty at best with Chidamoyo sometimes going weeks without power. With proceeds raised from our 2013 fundraiser, Chidamoyo was able to install an extensive solar power system, successfully transitioning the hospital to free, renewable solar energy. This project resulted in Chidamoyo having electricity 24/7, significantly reducing the hospital's expenses for electricity and allowing Chidamoyo to provide better quality healthcare (no more C-sections by flashlight)!

Completion of the New Waiting Mother's Shelter

In 2017, through its partnership with the Lake Union Crew Foundation, 44 volunteers from Seattle partnered with the Chidamoyo community to build a New Waiting Mother's Shelter near the hospital. The facility includes 95 beds for expectant mothers, three exam rooms, 6 indoor toilets and showers and a room for a live-in nurse's aide. Expectant mother's receive a place to stay while they wait to deliver (as many travel a long way and often arrive well ahead of their due date), prenatal care and parenting classes.

Chicken Farm and Egg Business

Beginning in 2016, Chidamoyo launched an egg producing micro business. Partnering with a local farmer, Chidamoyo began raising hundreds of chickens to produce eggs to be sold and also used to feed patients. The hospital's egg business created a sustainable income for Chidamoyo and a strong return on investment (a $5 net investment could yield $75-$100 in egg income over a two year period.

New Vehicle Acquisition and Maintenance

Through proceeds raised at our Seattle fundraisers, Chidamoyo has been able to add several new vehicles (two Jeeps and a Land Cruiser) to the hospital's fleet over the last decade. These new vehicles serve multiple purposes, supporting Chidamoyo's 18 outreach clinics, acting as the hospital's ambulances and transporting supplies, medicines and visitors. The roads in Zimbabwe, and in particular to Chidamoyo, are in very poor condition and it is not uncommon to blow out multiple tires a week. Friends of Chidamoyo provides funds to continuously repair and maintain the hospital's fleet of vehicles, which are critical to sustaining its operations.

Delivery of Urgently Needed Medical Supplies and Equipment

Friends of Chidamoyo provides funding to ship containers of donated medical supplies and equipment from California to Chidamoyo (usually sending a container each year). We have also partnered with amazing organizations such Medical Teams International (MTI) who shipped several 40 foot containers filled with much needed supplies and equipment. Through this partnership, Friends of Chidamoyo pays $25,000 for the container and to share in the shipping costs, and in return Chidamoyo ultimately receives hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of supplies in each container that have been donated by various medical and pharmaceutical companies and health care systems to MTI.

Fuel, Fuel, Fuel

Fuel is absolutely critical to the operations of Chidamoyo and it will always be one of our highest priorities. The hospital typically uses approximately 20,000 liters of fuel each year to serve the hospital's 18 outreach clinics and to power its ambulances and maintenance vehicles. Friends of Chidamoyo helps meet the hospital's diesel needs by acquiring fuel in bulk (usually 10,000 liters at a time). Fuel is acquired from South Africa at a volume discount and transported directly to Chidamoyo for storage, allowing the hospital to save money on fuel and ensure a steady supply, avoiding any disruption in its operations.

The Kathy McCarthy Memorial Neonatal Building

In 2022, Friends of Chidamoyo funded construction of a new Neonatal Building that will be dedicated to Kathy and will serve the hospital’s youngest patients and new mothers. The new facility (scheduled to open this fall) will include a separate vaccination room (where newborns will receive their required vaccines before being discharged, and then return at 6 weeks for additional vaccinations), an exam room (where new mothers can receive birth control and reproductive services), and an educational classroom. Kathy was passionate about Chidamoyo’s mothers and babies and we couldn’t think of a more worthy project to honor her 40-year legacy and tireless service to Chidamoyo and the people of Zimbabwe!

Staff Housing and Retention

Chidamoyo currently operates a medical staff of 3 doctors and 18 nurses (mostly paid for by the government). Staff retention is a critical issue as most educated professionals have left Zimbabwe as they can make a lot more money outside of the country. To help incentivize staff to remain at Chidamoyo, we provide free housing to our medical staff and also pay supplemental salaries to our doctors in exchange for a 3 year commitment to the hospital. Friends of Chidamoyo has also funded (i) two additional locum nurses to address staffing shortages during COVID and in Kathy's absence, and (ii) the construction of new staff housing for 4 additional nurses and their families.

Kathy’s Autobiography: Sadza for the Soul

We are very excited to share that we have finally published Kathy’s autobiography, Sadza for the Soul, and we know how pleased she would be that it is finally in print! The book shares the story of her life and includes many of her favorite recipes.  All proceeds from the book sales will be donated to support the ongoing operations of Chidamoyo.  A huge thank you to Jennifer Hendrix, Jo Taniguchi and all of those who made this book happen as we could not have done this without you!

Purchase Sadza for the Soul->